20.03.2024, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Getafe (Madrid), España
This thursday the National Museum of Anthropology, together with the NGO Normandie Chair for Peace and the UC3M RIVERS research project, is hosting the screening of the documentary Terra Libre, by Planète Amazone. We will be accompanied by various indigenous leaders (Mindahi Crescencio Bastida Muñoz, Otomí-Toltec, Mexico), Ninawa huni kui (Huni Kui – Acre, Brazil), and its author (Gert-Peter Bruch). It is an opportunity to get to know first hand the struggle of indigenous peoples to defend their rights, and with them nature.
These weeks in MADRID, the UN Climate Summit, COP25, is being held, which seeks to lay the foundations for a new phase of climate action. But will these actions be effective without recognizing the rights of nature, the crimes of ecocide and the rights of indigenous peoples to their territory? In the screening on Thursday, December 5, we will see and discuss how the indigenous Guardians of the Earth propose a profound paradigm shift towards a biocentric human model that could enable effective protection of ecosystems, climate and, consequently, the present and future of humanity. Taking advantage of his visit to COP25, we will have the presence of the director of the film and indigenous leaders who have participated in the filming, who will share their experiences first hand.
Museo Nacional de Antropologia, Madrid
En medio de un recrudecimiento de la crisis humanitaria de los pueblos indígenas de Colombia, enfrentados a una avalancha de asesinatos selectivos, que ha crecido después de la firma de los acuerdos de paz entre el gobierno del expresidente Juan Manuel Santos y las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC-EP), se proyectó en el Museo de Antropología de Madrid el documental ‘Testigos de un Etnocidio, Memorias de Resistencia’. En el contexto del acto inaugural del lanzamiento internacional del proyecto RIVERS, la proyección fue precedida por un cine foro que contó con la presencia de Belkis Izquierdo (Jurisdicción Especial para la Paz, Colombia), Guillermo Fernández-Maldonado (Oficina de las Naciones Unidas para los Derechos Humanos, Colombia), Kelly Quilcué (indígena Nasa, Proyecto RIVERS), y Calixto Suárez (mamo del pueblo Arhuaco, Colombia). Moderado por Lieselotte Viaene, investigadora principal del proyecto RIVERS, el conversatorio puso de presente tanto la pertinencia del enfoque cinematográfico de Marta Rodríguez, directora del documental, caracterizado por conectar las secuencias del pasado histórico con las trazas del presente y el porvenir; como la evidencia palmaría, de que el genocidio indígena no es una cuestión colonial, sino un hecho que de acuerdo a la Organización Nacional Indígena de Colombia ONIC, está en curso.
17-19 September 2019
Lieselotte Viaene, coordinator of RIVERS, and Paulo Ilich Bacca, post-doctoral researcher in the project participated at the 42 session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva. They also attended side events on indigenous justice and human rights, the first year of the transitional justice system in Colombia, and the annual panel discussion on rights of indigenous peoples in Ecuador. Lieselotte and Paulo met with Victoria Tauli-Corpus, member of RIVERS Scientific Advisory Board and current UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
In this context, Tauli-Corpuz presented her report on issues related to access to justice for indigenous peoples, exploring the contentious relationship between ordinary and indigenous justice systems and analysing the opportunities and challenges of legal pluralism. Subsequently, an interactive dialogue among the Rapporteur, the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, and the UN member states was developed. Read the Report to Human Rights Council, Indigenous Peoples and Justice (2019) here